Sunday, November 22, 2009

Hypatia of Alexandra

If I were to put myself in Raphael’s fresco, The School of Athens I would be Hypatia of Alexandria. Hypatia was the first women to make a substantial contribution to the renaissance. She was a contributor to mathematics, philosophy and astronomy. She is a brave woman who strives to prove herself during a time period where women are not blessed with the opportunity to learn and are treated as less then men. Even though her work was considered paganism by the Church her passion for learning lived on.
I like to think of myself as a persistent person. I do not give in easily and I am passionate about my learning. Like Hypatia, I do not let people stand in my way and use my determination to overcome obstacles. I also hope to make some sort of contribution in order to better the world, like she did. Hypatia of Alexandra truly is an inspiration to all womankind.

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