Monday, March 29, 2010

Think creatively
In my collage I used symbols and pictures. I used the world peace sign for poster and pictures of the lost boys struggles throughout their life. I put all the images of the war, the destruction, death and exile on the continent Africa, where they took place and then all the images of the boys struggle with assimilation in America, where they took place. On each of the people, surrounding the poster, I placed powerful words to help describe the 'lost boys' situation. I used creativity while creating my poster.

Reason critically
I used the powerful words in my six word memoir like “Help” “Lost” and “Ambushed, Exiled” to tell a bit about the story of the lost boys and to show how harsh their journey is. I also used some images of the war and their struggles in the US to tell their story. I used pictures from their life in Africa and placed these pictures in the continent Africa and used pictures from their assimilation to the American culture in America. Where I placed the text I used and pictures I chose highlights my personal understanding of the 'boys' situation

Communicate Effectively
My collage helps the reader understand how much difficulty these ‘boys’ have gone through. I do this by showing images of war, destruction, and the struggles in America such as grocery shopping, supporting themselves financially, finding jobs, working, being thrown into a new religion/ culture and education. However I also show images of the benefits of their journey to the US at the bottom of America to show how some lost boys have benefited from traveling to America.

Live Ethically
Along with showing how difficult the ‘lost boys’ journey has been I also use the word “Help” in my six word memoir to evoke my readers to act.

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